Margo Rafferty (1921-2008) was Selina and John Ford's nanny. I contacted her early in 2008 to get some of her memories of Wentworth and the Sykes family. She died, aged 89, a few months after sending me this letter:
My first contact with the Ford family while I was still a schoolgirl was taking John Ford for a walk after school - my first job, I got 2/6 (two shillings and sixpence – 25 cents today) a week! When John started school I still cared for him. Charlie-ah-kim’s son Joe came out from China. He was John’s age and I used to take them to the hotel for lunch each day. Charlie rewarded me with a case of apples while I was in hospital having my appendix out, much to the staff’s amusement.
I left school aged 14. Peg Loomes went on to high school. I was about 16 years when Maureen asked me to be a full time nanny to Selina & John.
We shared a room and sleepout on the balcony (of the Commercial hotel in 1937), Verlie Pickering had a room on the other end. Barn Loomes (who married Verlie several years later) was a regular visitor.
Being in charge of two beautiful children was a special time. I’d never had a holiday and Ken and Maureen took me to Glenelg. I also stayed at “Tara” in Sydney (22 the Boulevarde, Cammeray, where the Fords lived) a trip to the Blue Mountains, staying at a guest house. I felt like the Pied Piper as a lot of the guest’s children would join John & Selina on our morning walks we had a great time.
Maureen was like a mother. She’d go to the Melbourne cup each year & bring me back a nice frock also had a frock made for me when I made my debut we were presented to Lord & Lady Wakehurst (1937).
When the family moved back to Sydney I stayed on at the hotel to help Fardie (EJ Sykes). He played a special part in my life - he was my mentor - taught me a lot about life. Fon & Bern Wilkes would often visit.
During the war, Maureen and family returned. I left then & went & stayed with your parents (Bill and Joan Green) at Pascoe Vale. I had my 21st birthday there & they took me to dinner & the pictures. I worked at a Doctor’s surgery at Footscray for 12 months before returning to Wentworth.
Maureen & Ken had a lot of friends in Mildura, mainly business people. Sunday they entertained them. Maureen was a wonderful hostess she enjoyed running the hotel… very involved with the Church, organising balls & street stalls great support to the Nuns and Priests. Maisie Loomes was very supportive to her.
I often spent time a Corduroy looking after Merri & Judy. Des and Isabel treated me like one of the family. I remember when they were married (1937). Had bacon & eggs for breakfast - only family members present.

Margo with John Ford 1938 |

Margot Rafferty at Corduroy, 1940