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Michael James Green (14/1/1947
- 27/12/99), third child
of Bill and Joan Green, was born in Wentworth
in 1947, while the family was
living at the Commercial Hotel.
The following year they moved to a fruit
block, in Curlwaa, two
miles from Wentworth. He attended the catholic
primary school
in Wentworth.
The family left Wentworth in 1954, and stayed in Geelong for a year, with Bill Green's parents.
In 1955 the family moved to 25 Doris street Greensborough, and Wendy, Peter and Michael attended the newly built St. Marys combined church and school.
In 1960 Michael went to Marcellin, a Marist brothers college in Camberwell. This took one hour and fifteen minutes, for two train trips, to get there (and the same to get back). He was keen on sport, and formed part of several teams...
He trained as a data processor - in those days, a new job in the new computer technology area. This was when computers were all mainframes, run only by large corporations. He spent several years working for the computer section of the police, at Russell Street in the city, and also at Stafford Ellison. He married Diane Sullivan in 1970 in Burwood.
Caitlyn was born in 1973 and Simon in 1975. Michael left Diane a few years later, and moved to Sydney, where he worked for several computer companies. He participated in many Sydney to Hobart boat races, and made many friends in the yacht club. He helped raised many thousands of dollars for the Carecentre, and conducted tours of Hyde Park, as a volunteer guide, where he displayed his knowledge of birds.
Caitlyn studied as a dietician, and met her father briefly once, having no memories of him from childhood. Simon is a landscape gardener.
It was a great shock to hear of Michael's sudden death, of a heart attack on Boxing day, 1999, within a day or so of my writing this page about him. His funeral in Greensborough, Melbourne, and Memorial service in Mosman, Sydney saw a large turnout of family and friends, who remembered his good humour.